Our Relationship

Transparency.  Simplicity.  Results.

When Hayden Capital was originally formed, we believed there was a better way to provide investment results for our partners, while managed in a structure that was more client-friendly than the traditional co-mingled structure.

Because of this idea, all of our capital is managed via separately managed accounts (SMAs).  All investment accounts are held directly in the clients’ name, and allows our partners full real-time transparency into their investments, daily liquidity, customizable reporting, and greater control over their hard-earned assets. 

Philosophically, we don’t believe in placing legal restrictions on our partners (lockups, gates, etc).  Mutual trust & alignment with our partners is the foundation of Hayden Capital, which we build via careful vetting and getting to know our partners over a period of time.  We believe that if we have mutual trust with our partners, then all else is superfluous.

Given our long investment horizon, we recommend that clients only invest assets with at least a 5 – 10 year timeframe (and optimally much longer). We are investors, not traders, and hope our clients invest alongside us with a similar mentality.

Hayden Capital has a partnership mentality (despite the SMA structure).  Since nearly all of our portfolio manager’s and his family’s net worth are invested in the strategy, our money will always be invested right next to yours.  By doing so, we believe this incentivizes us to continually strive for the best risk-adjusted returns, and allows us to grow our net worth alongside our partners.